Thankful God Answers Prayers


Last Friday I met up with a good friend that I hadn't seen or talked to in a long while.  It was great.  Good Tex-Mex and great conversation. One of the topics we got on was about prayer and how awesome it is that God actually takes the time to listen to all our prayers and answer them.  Even prayers about our blogs and online businesses.

I shared with my about a specific prayer request I had and was answered.  In less then two weeks I am traveling to the NAMS conference in Atlanta, GA.  I'm pretty excited about it.  Got the conference ticket.  Bought the plane ticket.  But still needed a place to stay.  The original plan was to share a room with 3 other ladies  but last month all 3 of them decided not to go to the conference for different personal reasons.  Luckily, I found another set of roommates.  Please keep in mind, I did not want to room with someone I didn't know so I was being kind of picky.  These new roommates, I didn't know in real life but did know pretty well online.  However once again these ladies decided to stay home instead of attending the conference as planned.

So now I'm thinking, Lord, am I suppose to even go?  I can't afford the hotel room by myself for 5 days.  So I try to cancel my plane ticket.  Unsuccessful.  Stuck going.  Then I start praying.  Lord what is your will?  Am I suppose to go the conference, if so, please provide the money to pay for the hotel room by myself, or if not, please allow me to be able to get a refund on my plane ticket.

Guess what?  God answered my prayer and quickly.  Within two weeks I made enough extra money through my design job to completely pay for the hotel room.  God is good and He answers prayers!

Don't let anyone ever tell you prayer doesn't work.  It does! I'm living proof.

Thankful Thursday is being hosted this month by Women Taking a Stand

Opportunity - Thankful Thursday

I realized the other day that blogging has opened up opportunities to me that I would never have been able to have otherwise:  I have met wonderful women and formed precious friendships.  Recently I also was asked to do a guest post, a first for me.  I have been blessed with a support system that is critical for me.  Experience in writing on a more professional level and learning about topics that I am passionate about is another benefit. Obviously blogging is not the reason for all of this but only the means.  God chose this avenue to fill holes in my life that were always blaringly apparent to me. And for this I am so thankful!

I have also seen and known women who have gotten a job, started a business, and become the basis for a movie because of their love for blogging.  Would you please share with us what opportunities have become open to you because of blogging?  I'd love to hear all about them!

For more Thankful Thursday, please visit Spiritually Unequal Marriage.

Support – Thankful Thursday

Last week I shared how I was so grateful for the friendships I have made through blogging.  It amazes me how many new sweet friends I continue to make.  This week I want to share how blessed I am to be supported in this so-called "hobby" of mine.

My husband has always given me encouragement and sage advice when it comes to blogging.  He doesn't quite understand the attraction that blogging has but that does not matter to him.  The joy and delight I get from it spurs him on to supporting me in my online endeavors.

It is rather awkward to talk about blogging with someone who does not "get" just quite what blogging is.  Recently I was on a flight and the gentleman next to me snickered when I told him I was flying to a blogging conference.  "Really?" he said. "Can't you guys just sit around at home on your computers and hold a tele-conference?"  I tried to explain to him how important it was to group together and have that support once in a while.  To be in a crowd that knows why you do what you do.  It wasn't only until he saw on his Blackberry that some people make livings off of blogging that his smirk left his face.

So on this Thankful Thursday, I encourage you to thank God for those who support you in blogging.  What are you thankful for today?  For more stories, visit Spiritually Unequal Marriage.

Bloggy Friends

I have made many friends while blogging. Some are casual friends, some are getting to know the "real me."  Had I not started blogging, I would not know a huge majority of those who make up my circle of friends.

Have you ever written a post that you knew was controversial? I have. I am usually pleasantly surprised when the comments come in. Yes, some are negative and mean. Oftentimes I find that there are many other like-minded souls out there who support me in the words I shared with the world.

As women we are socially minded. We are nurturers of relationships. We crave conversation with friends.  Some of us may not normally be privy to such interaction if it wasn't for our blogs.

What about you? Have you met your friends through blogging?

Visit Thankful Thursday here.

What a blessing!

I'm Thankful For Blogging

thankfulthursdayThankful Thursday is a meme I have been participating in with my personal mom blog for sometime now.  It is a great way to give thanks to the Lord for the things He has done in your life, which is something we should always be doing. One thing I am very thankful for is blogging.  The fact that the Lord has seen fit to allow me the time and provided the tools to blog is amazing because there are so many of things I could be doing.  Having the opportunity the serve the Lord in this capacity just amazes me because it is something I love to do.

Another aspect of blogging I am thankful is the other Christian bloggers I have gotten to know.  The blogosphere has a great community of Christian woman and I am loving connecting with them.

Are you thankful for blogging?  What aspect of blogging are the most thankful for?

Thankful Thursday is hosted by Women Taking A Stand.

I'm Thankful For Blogging

Thankful Thursday is a meme I have been participating in with my personal mom blog for sometime now.  It is a great way to give thanks to the Lord for the things He has done in your life, which is something we should always be doing. One thing I am very thankful for is blogging.  The fact that the Lord has seen fit to allow me the time and provided the tools to blog is amazing because there are so many of things I could be doing.  Having the opportunity the serve the Lord in this capacity just amazes me because it is something I love to do.

Another aspect of blogging I am thankful is the other Christian bloggers I have gotten to know.  The blogosphere has a great community of Christian woman and I am loving connecting with them.

Are you thankful for blogging?  What aspect of blogging are the most thankful for?

Thankful Thursday is hosted by Women Taking A Stand.