Curtain Queen Creates

I help women create the home they love to live in...through home diy projects, cooking, sewing home decor, gardening, and weekly faith inspiration on Spectacular Sunday!

A Quote To Encourage You:

The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

A wise woman builds her house; a foolish woman tears hers down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1

Curtain Queen Creates submitted by Kim Hood.

Nancy E. Head


Christian accord is not a fuzzy sort of melding of Christian traditions.  Just as Christians of various traditions have come together to influence the hearts and minds of Americans regarding the issue of abortion, we can come together to honor Christ and minister in our communities and nation.  Many of our nation’s laws no longer reflect the Judeo-Christian ethic our founders embraced.  Decades ago, the state removed God from our classrooms.  Abortion became legal until birth.  Same sex marriage is now the law of the land, and religious freedom is in jeopardy.  Our accord is useless if our agenda is only political.  This effort is not aimed at changing laws.  We must change hearts, and we can only do that through loving ministry.

Our effectiveness in changing minds about abortion is measurable in the reduced numbers of abortions we consistently see across the land.  It is immeasurable in that we can never know how many children are alive because of changed hearts and how many parents avoided the wounds abortion produces.  Acting in love and speaking the truth, we can change hearts and lives–even if our laws never change.

Submitted by: Nancy E. Head

The Grace Bond

The moment I chose Jesus in my life at 16 years old was the same moment I chose open adoption for my birth daughter. In the years following, He has continued to guide our open adoption story (He writes the best stories!) and my life story. This is my journey of embracing God's grace and all He is teaching me.

Submitted by: Leah Outten

Words That Prove True

I'm set apart from the world. I seek for words that prove true both in the discouraging, dark times, the joyful, laughter filled times, and the every day in-betweens. I am an ambassador for Jesus Christ.

I love forests and the smell of freshly baked bread. My stress-reliever is to journal my thoughts as I sit with a heated corn bag secured around my neck. I'm married to my best friend. I keep life classy by teaching full-time at my old high school.

Best of all about me. I love to encourage people with the truth found in Scripture. His words prove true. It isn't just a good-pick me up. It is a heart-breaker and heart-transformer. I look forward to sharing His words with you.

Submitted by: Ashlea Heitner

The Faith Notebook

Christian lifestyle blog to inspire, equip and encourage everyday Christian women. We won’t just look at the stuff that makes us warm and fuzzy, as tempting as it is! We’ll dig deep and study all of our faith; the uncomfortable, heartbreaking, empowering, joyful and inspiring truths the Bible has to teach us, plus everything in between. This isn’t about knowing all of the answers to life’s biggest questions, it’s about asking questions, discovering answers together and living them every day.

Submitted by: Michelle S

This Is Me Pastor D. Williams

My journey didn't start from here, it started when I was in the womb (Isaiah 48:5). Along my 50 years on this earth, I have endured struggles, trials, and heartaches. However, there was a lot of love, strength, growth, maturity, never ending abiding faith and most of all our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

With my ministry, I would like to encourage, uplift, pray and empower you along your own spiritual journey.

I am born and bred straight up Jersey Girl! I moved to Texas 25-years-ago, but Jersey never left! For 20 years I have been married to a wonderful man of God. I have three adult children. Empty Nester, here I come! I attend a large non-denominational church in Dallas, TX and have been a member for 17 years.

I worked in Evangelism for over 35 years and raised a family. My ministry is not a brick and mortar building but virtual. I would like to reach all of you via my messages via my blog, Facebook: Corner Care Ministries, Twitter:@impastord. Check out my Instagram:@iampastord.

If you need prayer or have questions about scriptures that you are reading, you can reach me via Email:

This is me in a nutshell! I hope that my posts will encourage, strengthen and hopefully make you laugh. Most importantly encourage you to study the Word of God.

May the Lord our Savior Jesus Christ bless the work of your hands in all that you aspire and lay your hands to for His glory!

A Quote To Encourage You:

 Psalm 118:23 "This is the Lord's doing, it is marvelous in our eyes."

 This Is Me Pastor D. Williams submitted by Pastor Darcel Williams.

Shaking My Dust

Jesus told his disciples to "shake the dust" from their feet whenever they left an unwelcoming village. That is what I'm doing with the pressure to be perfect. I am leaving it behind and shaking the dust from my feet as I go. If your feet look like mine - covered with a layer of caked-on perfectionism - then take up your walking sticks and join me on my journey!

Submitted by Beth Cullett

Our Sheltering Tree

As Christian Women, we need encouragement -- I call it sheltering. Our Sheltering Tree's purpose is to encourage others and to provide creative ways that make encouraging others easy. I am rooted in Christ, nourished by Heaven's bread, and treasured by earthly hands. And that is my desire for each reader. Bible Studies, printables, Scripture Writing, devotionals...with the underlying theme of encouraging (sheltering) others with joy!

A Quote To Encourage You:

 But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1

 Our Sheltering Tree submitted by Pamela Kuhn.

I'm inspired by God to write this blog. It stands to uphold the infallible principles in the word of God. It will target the unbelievers for the salvation of their souls and help them to be steady in their spiritual journey. Believers will find this blog inspirational, motivational and admonitory. The objective is to help ourselves and others to make heaven. Which is the ultimate!


A Quote To Encourage You:

 Preparation of man must precede the visitation of God.
If you want God to visit you, get ready for Him. Be ready in purity of heart and holiness. Isaiah 40 submitted by Richard Okunade.

Today's Bible Teaching

I Bible devotionals that I write and email out as well as have past issues of them, I also have a prayer board, forum, audio podcast and video recordings from the fellowship that I attend, which is Calvary Chapel River Oaks and a full KJV bible and other tools.

A Quote To Encourage You:

 Trust in the lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make my paths straight Prov. 3:5-6

 Today's Bible Teaching submitted by norman watson.