Have You Found Your Support Sister?

In this age of cyber friends, it's easy to forget that we need real life fellowship and support. Do you have a friend who will lift you up and be there through thick and thin? If not, this blogger encourages us to do the following...

Begin today asking God to bring that woman into your life that you can lift up in prayer and who would be willing to fall at the feet of Jesus for you. If you have that friend in your life right now, thank them. Let them know what a blessing they are and how they have impacted your life. Thank God for giving you a gift of support and sisterhood!

Read further at Have You Found Your Support Sister | The Brown Tribe

A Word Fitly Spoken: Following After Fear

As we read the stories of the Old Testament prophets it's easy to see that despite seeing the power and presence of God firsthand that they struggled with doubts and fears such as we do. This blogger shares her own struggle with doubting God's provision and trying to trust in her own strength.

I tried to justify my actions by saying, "Well, it was probably God who allowed me to think of this brilliant idea, so this is how He's meeting my need."  But the sense of uneasiness would not go away.  When I told Jason my grandiose plan, he shook his head and said, "No, Dana, that's not the way."  I pouted, but I still wasn't convinced that my plan was not part of God's will. . . until I remembered the lesson I had just taught on Obadiah. -

Read more at A Word Fitly Spoken: Following After Fear.

The Burdens We Bear

As an adult child of a narcissistic mother, finding normalcy in my adult life has been a long journey. It's one that I'm beginning to suspect will not be finished this side of heaven.

It hasn't been easy finding writings on this subject from a Christian perspective and I was happy to find this blog and pass it on to the Faithful Bloggers Community.

There comes a point in all our lives where we become all accountable for what we’ve done in effort to cope with what’s been done to us; and to avoid it, only layers on more weight than we we’re designed to handle.

In fact, we weren’t designed to handle any weight beyond what God designed to be in our hands.

The Burdens We Bear | Marni Arnold.

What Does Jesus Think Of Outcasts?


We often read of Jesus coming along the outcasts of his time to minister to and heal them. How does it look for us in modern times? Who are the outcasts, the "least of these" and how can we show them the love of Christ?

This blogger reminds us that present day outcasts include:



Mentally Ill

Anyone with different sexual preferences

Anyone with different religious beliefs

AIDS patients

Convicted felons

Anyone that has ever been in jail

Sex Offenders

Who can you go and touch today? What Does Jesus Think Of Outcasts?.

Risking Failure

Most of us don't really like failure, and we might even avoid it at all costs. But in life, everyone faces failure at some point. For those who choose to take risks and live outside their comfort zone, failure tends to be a more common reality. And it's not always a bad thing.

This blogger talks about how we respond to failure and why failure is ultimately okay. Sometimes, it might be the best thing that happens to you. She highlights how God can do amazing things through our failures. And more importantly, how sometimes it's better to risk failure than to hold back.

At some point we have to decide that we would rather live life failing from time to time then to die with regrets of not trying those things God puts in front of us.  I have lived on both sides of the coin and I can promise you the pain of failure is dull in comparison to the pain of not trying!

Life Outside the Shell: What if I fail?.

How the Influential Wife Defeats Goliath

Busy wives and moms often struggle with making the time for healthy communication with their husbands. It can be hard, during the daily stresses of life to make the effort to communicate clearly.

This blogger reminds us that God has much to say in His Word about our influence and role as a wife. We must make a daily decision how we will use that influence.

The Lord has anointed us as the wife to be influential to our husband.  A good wife is portrayed as a blessing, but a bad wife influences her husband for evil.

Life Outside the Shell: {Marriage Monday} How the Influential Wife Defeats Goliath.

Brokenness to Healing

Life isn't perfect, and sometimes it leaves us hurt. Wounded from heated words tossed out during an argument, or broken after a relationship gone amok. Healing from the hurts can be a long journey, difficult to maneuver in the midst of pain.

Join this blogger as she writes her way through her journey of brokenness and healing through the month of September. Hurt can be transformed into healing, through the grace of an ever-loving God.

We are all broken. Not a single one of us escapes unscathed by the hurts of life. The goal is to transform the hurt into healing and to take the pain and give it a purpose, because a wound that won't heal only stinks and eats away at us.

via Hope and Healing {An Introduction} | The Architect and The Artist.

Homeschooling: When Expectation Meets Reality

Are you trying to get back in the swing of homeschooling this fall? Often our high hopes and expectations clash with reality. This blogger writes about the spiritual lesson she learned when a homeschooling lesson turned difficult.

While it is important that my daughter learns how to write, there is a much more important lesson to learn. Just like me, she needs to learn how to cope with her anxiety, and ultimately, how to rest in God’s grace when faced with challenging assignments.

 It is always best to follow God’s plan, rather than my lesson plan.  I thought I was teaching writing on this day, but the lesson turned out to be about how grace and trust overcomes anxiety and fear.

Homeschooling: When Expectation Meets Reality 

Beauty in the Storm


In life, storms will rage. During those times, it can be hard to see the Lord working, and it can test our faith. But if we strive to keep our eyes open, we can learn to see the beauty in the storm, as this blogger explains.

The wind is raging, storm clouds looming over the waves and in my mind.

I see where I don’t see and it frightens me.


I Still See | A Story By Me.

Uniting Homeschoolers in Prayer: September 1-11, 2014

The news headlines grow more troubling by the day. As Christians, we should not allow ourselves to be overcome by fear and worry. We have a heavenly Father whose "dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." (Daniel 7:14) But we must pray.

Jen at Word Traveling is inviting homeschoolers around the country to come together and pray for our families, our homeschools, our nation and the world. This event will run from September 1-11 (that's this Monday!) and will feature a different prayer directive every night.

Learn more at Homeschool Prayer Movement.

Break Free and Dance

New situations can be scary, and our natural tendency is to shy away from the changes and embrace what we know. But in doing so, we miss out.

This writer pours out her heart in a letter to her precious kindergartener, encouraging her to step away from the known and dance freely. To overcome the shyness and embrace a new and scary world, drinking in the many opportunities.

As your momma who struggled with insecurities and wanting to stay in my shell I will fight for you.  I will not let you stay hidden, refusing to take chances in this world.  Yes, it will be scary but it will be so worth it.

Life Outside the Shell: {I hope you dance} A letter to my kindergartner.

Stealing Summer


As summer winds down, this blogger reflects on the memories made with her family. She ponders how it went by all too quickly and thinks about the upcoming days filled with school and homework.

For a summer that flew with broad wings and bright eyes and a swoop I’ve not experienced yet. Each year life steps more quickly, gaining marching momentum that shows in inches grown and mature questions and feet that match up to mine.

Stealing Summer | A Lamp, a Light, and a Writer.

Counting Sheep

It's easy to feel like you are just another member of the crowd, without anything noticeable to define you. It might seem like you're just a number to God. One of a million, not one in a million. But God doesn't see it that way. He knows you, and you are one of His children.

This blogger writes about the "sheep counting God", who deliberately seeks us out when we are lost and wandering. He doesn't give up when most of His children have found their way home. He looks for each and every one of us, counting His sheep.

We are so important to Him that He counts us, and even when He has the 99 safe and sound, He misses that one. We matter to Him. He will search deep and wide for us. Pursue us. Go after us with His love

The Sheep-Counting God | The Architect and The Artist.

Healthified Monster Cookies


Is there such a thing as a healthy monster cookie? We probably shouldn't eat them too often but we can use healthier ingredients. This blogger shows us how:

 You will also notice that I called them "healthified"(yes I made up that word) instead of "healthy" because while they are better than normal they do still have some ingredients in them that aren't the best for you.  I do make some Chocolate Chip Almond Flour cookies that are 100% healthy but I have to say they aren't as good as these (big surprise).

Life Outside the Shell: Healthified Monster Cookies.

What's Your End Game in Blogging? - allume


Bloggers write for many different reasons. But what about Christian bloggers? One of our primary goals should be do represent Christ in what we're doing online. This blogger reflects on her six years of writing and what is most important to her.

 We can write beautiful words all day long. We can share pinnable images, have posts go wild online because people see themselves in them, or sell a billion copies of an amazing book. And nothing is wrong with that. But if our ultimate “end game”, our ultimate goal is to make much of us and not much of Christ, than we have missed the entire point.

What's Your End Game in Blogging? - allume.

Depressed: A Mother's Struggle to Overcome Depression

With the news of Robin Williams' untimely passing heavy on the hearts of many, conversations are taking place across social media about depression. Take the time to educate yourself. If it doesn't affect you, more than likely it affects someone in your life.

This blogger shares openly and honestly about her struggle.

All I can say for certain is that I am depressed. And I am accepting that.

I need medication. I am no longer fighting that.

Perhaps, maybe… God has allowed me to suffer with chronic depression for today, when after three years of spilling my life out into the blogosphere, I have suddenly shared with you that I battle depression. What if this burden I have carried for so long is because someone out there needed to know that they are not alone? Could it be that they needed to know that depression happens to good people, to great moms, and sometimes, we just need some help?

Depressed: A Mother's Struggle to Overcome Depression - Meet Penny.

Ending to Begin

Endings come and new beginnings lead us down different paths. Oftentimes, the endings are unwanted or difficult to navigate, and we want nothing more than to cling to the familiar. Yet God brings about change for a reason, and He leads us to a new beginning so we can fulfill His plan for us.

This blogger writes about the fact that for something to begin, something else must end. It might not be a "happy ending", but beautiful things can come through embracing a new beginning, whether it's wanted or not.

This life of beginnings happens because we allow God to become our center. We trust our everything to the God of the Universe who then turns all endings into a life that begins again in Him every time we say “yes”!

Five Minute Friday-Begin | Passage Through Grace.

Struggling With Blogger’s Guilt

This blogger writes about her struggles trying to balance her everyday life as a homeschool mom with writing on her blog. In this busy season of life, it can be a struggle to find that writing time. But she knows where her priorities lie:

I’ve got just one life to live. While writing and blogging is very much a part of my life, it’s not all that I do. And so today, I’m setting down the guilt I put upon myself for not blogging on some made-up schedule. I’m laying aside the burden I’ve carried around for the past two and a half months for not keeping up with an insane blogging schedule, as well as tending to the realities of my life.

 Instead, I’m asking the Lord to help me be faithful to do all He requires of me for today, and nothing more. I pray a lot of those days include writing for God.  I think they will.

Blogger’s Guilt | Tales from the Laundry Room.