Niche Blogging

A girl using a laptop in a field.

Blissdom "10 is over, and I"ve come home with some great tips and ideas for my blog. One of those is discovering my niche.

I"m sure you"re familiar with what a niche is: a special area of passionate interest where your particular voice is effective.

I"d like to think that the Apostle Paul would have loved niche blogging! He tells us in 1 Corinthians 12 that God gives everyone separate and distinct callings and gifts. Why should blog topics be any different? The Bible outlines the beneficial necessity of the diversity of gifts among the Church body.

Defining your niche not only allows you to "stand out from the crowd;" it increases your effectiveness as a communicator. Blogging in an online casino area of a God-given strength glorifies God.

The Nester offered a helpful set of self-searching questions to discover your niche. Thought-provoking and relevant, they should help you hone in on where your God may be directing your blog. (I"ve edited them a bit, but most are from the Nester and the Blissdom "10 session, "Niche Blogging: Experts Talk About Blogging Your Passions and Expertise.")

Find Your Blog"s Niche

  1. Which posts make you nervous when you hit the publish button? (this may be your niche)
  2. Which posts feel like work or drudgery? (this is not your niche)
  3. Which posts have received the most comments?
  4. Which posts have received the most comments that are meaningful to you?
  5. What are your top favorite posts?
  6. What are your readers" favorite posts?
  7. If you could write anything, what would it be?
  8. If you chose a certain niche, could you commit to it long-term? (you don"t want to get bored a few months in)
  9. What do you search for online?
  10. What do you talk about when you"re not writing?

Does your blog have a niche? What do you think of these questions? How can niche blogging make you a more effective blogger for the Kingdom of God?
