Gaming and God

My blog is all about video game culture, japanese animation and how that ties into God, the bible and Christianity. My relationship with my Heavenly Father overflows into every area of my life, including my hobbies like video games. Just like some people find sports, sewing, cars or fashion a hobby that they invest their leisure in, I want people who may be considered geeks, video game fans or viewers of anime to know that God loves them. There's a lot of symbolism and biblical parallels that can be found in these mediums and I explore them in my posts.

Submitted by: Michael Morejon

Peripheral Perceptions

Peripheral Perceptions records the observations of my life from different corners of my personality. In these mind wandering, I write about my faith in Jesus, kids, grandkids, dogs, cats, work, passions, friendships and relationships of all kinds. Mainly, it’s a trip through my inner thought processes. Sometimes a very dark place, other times full of rainbows and butterflies. If you wander in to read my mind, please leave the door wide open on your way out.

Submitted by:  Lisa Fischer

I'm inspired by God to write this blog. It stands to uphold the infallible principles in the word of God. It will target the unbelievers for the salvation of their souls and help them to be steady in their spiritual journey. Believers will find this blog inspirational, motivational and admonitory. The objective is to help ourselves and others to make heaven. Which is the ultimate!


A Quote To Encourage You:

 Preparation of man must precede the visitation of God.
If you want God to visit you, get ready for Him. Be ready in purity of heart and holiness. Isaiah 40 submitted by Richard Okunade.

Never Abortion


This Christ-centered site uses a blog and a forum to show support for women and families, and educate the public about abortion and its alternatives. These include parenting and adoption. I deal with any issues as it relates to abortion. You can add your own abortion-related articles and your own pro-life sites here. This is not just "my site."

A Quote To Encourage You:

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. (Psalm 139: 13-15 submitted by Lisa DeSherlia.

Leading The Church To Christ

I write Christian teachings on various topics. I usually try to include personal stories of how God has taught me, in the effort to inspire others to live a godly life with Christ.


A Quote To Encourage You:

1 Corinthians 10:31 " So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Leading The Church To Christ submitted by Saleama Ruvalcaba.

Shelly's Sojourn

Shelly’s Sojourn is a humble platform exploring and documenting relationship with Christ (the mountains, valleys and prairies in-between) through faith and the Word of God. Relatable experiences are captured and told in the form of articles, short bible studies and poetry.


A Quote To Encourage You:

Psalm 46:10

Shelly's Sojourn submitted by R Hull.